Tuesday, December 22, 2009

loving my new bodybugg

So i haven't updated in a bit but I have lots of exciting news! I made it through our holiday luncheon at work and i ate my own food. I was so proud of myself! I can't believe I passed up chic fil a. I just got my new Bodybugg and so far i love it! I had a 2974 calorie deficit (that means i burned 2974 more than I ate) i burned 4111 calories today! 1 pound is equal to 3500calories so I just need to keep burning!!! I will be changing my weigh in to weekly for my bodybugg program so I may not hit double digits but my first goal is to be under 200lbs by our cruise in march.

I have had some small victories, my clothes have begun to fit differently, I can see the difference mostly in my shirts. I tried PiYO this week and it was very hard but very rewarding. I have also really enjoyed kickboxing and hip hop hustle. Of course nothing beats Ron kicking my but one on one.

Work is pretty crazy so I may not update again until my next weigh in after the holiday so here is my grown up christmas list...

1. I pray for the health and safety of my family and friends
2. I am wishing for a yoga bag
3. I am wishing for more personal training sessions
4. I am thankful for my husband
5. I am thankful for my dog

Happy holidays to all!

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